I made this cross stitch a few years back and it's actually framed and hung just a few feet away from my computer, yet I've never taken a picture of it until today. Click on the image to see it larger and in more detail. This comes from the book called
Wannabee Bears: Butterflies by Dale Burdett. It's part of a whole series in which bears dress up as insects such as lady bugs and bees. Some of the phrases in the book are a little cheesy, but I really like the detail and vibrant colours that went into the wings in the butterfly book. There's also a great selection of buttefly bear designs here so that you can make a variety of gift items ranging in size from bookmarks and coasters to decorative pillows. I saw a couple of the other books in the series when I was at Michael's the other day and it reminded of my butterflies, hence this week's Cute Thing!
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