I think this is an adorable pattern and it would be very easy to change the colours depending on whether the little one was going to be a boy or girl. And of course there's the added appeal of the promise that this is only a seven day project. Perfect for when you need that nearly last minute gift idea...So I'm curious, has anyone out there made this blanket, or do you know someone who has, or have you perhaps run across any pictures of a crocheted version of it anywhere? If so, drop me a comment and let me know.
I did try starting one a few months back, but ended up frogging it because it was one of those days when nothing was working right. I had grabbed the only red wool I had on hand. It ended up being too thick so it was difficult to work with. Plus, my first piece kept coming out with the wrong number of stitches when I got to the end of the second or third row. I'm not sure if it was a typo in the book or my mistake. I have a feeling it was me, so I need to go back and try this one again when I'm feeling a bit more patient.
In my searching I did come across these tape measures, which certainly look like a miniature version of the blanket, don't they? These are available from Lantern Moon for $10.50 each.

Aside from "peppermint" I also tried using the word "pinwheel" when I was looking for samples of the blanket. As a result, I ran across this amazing creation from Crafster user craftydeb, which I am absolutely in awe of. I admire anyone who has the patience to sew that many pieces together because that's my least favourite part of crocheting. I also love this bright mix of colours. I've seen these pinwheels before in pastel colours and they've never really grabbed my attention the way this version does.

For anyone who is interested, here's a free version of the Pinwheel motif that was used to make this afghan. Now I have way too many blankets I want to make...but let me know if you run across any crocheted Peppermint Baby Blankets!
Are you a member of Ravelry? I did a search for the book on there, and came up with some results - including a blanket that looks like the peppermint candy one you have there - in different colours, but it looks very similar. Just a thought.
As for the pinwheel blanket you featured below - how! That is an awesome blanket! I want to make one myself now :D (Not that I don't have enough projects to finish.)
No I haven't joined Ravelry yet. I keep hearing good things about it though. Someday I'll sign up, if only so I have another place to look for patterns and ideas, I don't really need another place to show off my own work.
I'm resisting the urge to start a pinwheel blanket. I could make it with leftovers from my stash, but I know myself. As soon as the "nice" colours were used up I'd end up buying more colours for the pinwheel and my stash would increase instead of decreasing!
I know how that is...although I seem to have a habit of buying yarn just because it's pretty, and not with any real purpose for it in mind. I'm sure it will all get used eventually, but in the mean time my stash has taken over three bags, plus a couple of plastic bags which still have yet to get sorted...Hmm...
Here we go...I've uploaded the image of the best of the blankets that look like the peppermint blanket, to my Flickr account so you can see it :) (the user appears to not have a blog...)
I have the same book and pattern and I have also wanted to make the peppermint afghan, If you would like i can start on it and see how it turns out and let you know how it ends. Thanks for your time, Christine cmfitzhugh@comcast.net
Hi Christine,
Thanks for your kind offer, but I actually finished making the Pinwheel blanket already. You can see my finished product here:
It wasn't so bad once I realized that you had to work down the side of one of the stripes, not in a round, like you normally do for round blankets. If you like the blanket I highly recommend giving the pattern a try. It a rather unique design for a baby blanket, and also suitable as a throw for adults, depending what colours you choose.
Thanks for commenting,
I know that your post went up a few years ago, but I just found it as I was looking for a link to share with the name and information for finding the pattern..... I made a large version of this afghan in red heart super saver a couple years ago. It took a couple (3?) tries to get the first couple wedges right, but after that it did come together pretty quickly. Took me more on the scale of a couple months, because I was buying one skein at a time, and doing a full throw-sized afghan. It's lovely heavy, though! All the best from North Pole Alaska, and hope you've figured out a way to make this pattern work for you after all these years. -- Kati
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