The cthulhus over at
Being Ruth are not only breeding like rabbits, they're surrounding the rabbits! I figured that
Ruth deserved to have two pictures shown since she and her boss have made a seriously large horde of cthulhus for their friends and co-workers. Click the
craft time category link in the right sidebar of Ruth's blog to see even more of their cthulhus.
I also like the completely baby safe cthulhus you can see in the picture below.
The eyes have been stitched onto the baby cthulhus and it gives them a bit of an anime character look. Plus, I'm terrible at stitching features onto my amigurumis so I'm always in awe of other people's skill when it comes to doing this.

I think it's always interesting how changing the eyes used makes such a difference in how the cthulhu looks. Consider this cthulhu created by
Penguin_Poet (above), which is pretty similar in shape to this one (below) created by
Morgan, yet the two different eye types give the amigurumis a completely different character.
Traci combined the head from the
Cuddly Cthulhu pattern with the body from the
Tiny Cthulhu pattern to make this cranberry cthulhu as a desktop buddy for one of her friends. I really like how the eyes match the body here. You'd think that making them a similar colour would cause them to blend in too much, but it actually makes for a rather striking cthulhu.

And there you have the most recent additions to the Cthulhu Cousin family. If you missed it, be sure to check out the pictures from
Cthulhu Cousins Caught on Film - Part 1. Thank you once again to everyone who chose to share pictures of how they've been using my patterns. Each cthulhu seems to come out with his or her own character and it often gives me inspiration for creating new patterns.
If you've used one of my patterns for something and want to share the results, post a link in the comments section somewhere on the blog, or send me a .jpg at the email address in the left sidebar. I usually try to make a post about the recent additions to the cthulhu family every 3 or 4 months. Whenever I find myself with a good stockpile of pictures to show.
1 comment:
Thanks! The baby safe eyes are not easy. It requires counting & using a snapshot of the first one I did to help keep me on course. My boss & I had to talk strategy on these to get them right (she gives a lot of hers to babies, so it mattered more for her).
I really like what Traci did with the head/body combo.
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