Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last Look at 2011 Cthulhus - Part 3

And let's close out the month of January with our final look at the cthulhus of 2011.

In the top row we have two wonderful Cuddly Cthulhus. The one on the top left was stitched by Dorothy. That's a beautiful shade of green she's chosen!

Meanwhile on the top right Angela's cthulhu is showing off its Browncoat spirit with a classic Jayne hat.

Now I know it's not a cthulhu, but the picture on the bottom left is also a sample of one of the free patterns you can find here at Cthulhu Crochet and CousinsJes used purple and cream yarn to crochet the Spiral Baby Blanket for the baby girl she is expecting in just a few weeks. Congratulations Jes!!

And looking all cute and innocent in the bottom right corner is an adorable Tiny Cthulhu stitched by Carina. The hand-stitched eyes really make this one look sweet, and perhaps a little bit curious?

Once again thanks to everyone who has sent in pictures or posted a comment to let me know they're using  my patterns. It's always wonderful to see the unique touches that everyone adds to their creations!

Happy stitching in 2012 everyone!


Lanfear said...

I used your pattern (with tiny adjustments like the claws) to make a Cthulhu for a charity auction late last year and it sold for $575 so you helped make some kids very happy!

Pics here:

Anonymous said...


I haven't been back to this page lately, but I'm working on a 2nd Cthulu.

Anonymous said...

Hello! Thank you so much for the Cuddly Cthulhu pattern! I found it a while ago and made one for my son who's middle name is Lovecraft. It's perfect for him! Here's a link to pictures: http://wrongsidestogether.blogspot.ca/2012/05/whats-in-name.html

Anonymous said...

p.s. I just noticed you live in Langley. I live in Abbotsford and graduated from TWU! Small world.